My sins You already know
And yet You call me to confess them so
I lay them down at Your feet
As I lay on the ground and weep
Your love is written across the sky
Bidding me to come and die
I’m only a sinner saved by grace
So give me the peace that fills this place
You came to earth and died
All I can do is constantly hide
A crown of thorns You did not pass
So all my sins You’d pay in their mass
Your love is written across the sky
Bidding me to come and die
I’m only a sinner saved by grace
So give me the peace that fills this place
Your law revives my soul
How could You die to make me whole
Your love was displayed on the cross
So all my sin could be counted as loss
Your love is written across the sky
Bidding me to come and die
I’m only a sinner saved by grace
So give me the peace that fills this place