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Thoughts to Ponder from Jeremiah

Mark Lukens

As I was reading the prophet Jeremiah this morning, I read about the destruction of Moab. And God gives two reasons for their destruction: “because you trusted in your works and your treasures” (see 48:7).

We live in a land that promotes self-reliance, independence, and the gathering of riches (more money and more power, and there is never enough of either once that is your goal). Our country celebrates the rich and the powerful and the famous regardless of their morals (and often for their immorality), while mocking and punishing those, who by God’s grace, actually have moral standards and believe in absolute truth.

But I want to ask these questions, so that we can stop and ponder where our hearts are at the beginning of a new year:

  • Have we rightly ponder the reality, that Scripture declares that ALL men are completely and utterly dependent upon the Lord, for life, breath, and everything???

  • Have we pondered the reality that God created everything for His Own glory???

  • Have we pondered the reality that God created all things for Himself???

  • Have we pondered what a great sin it is to seek to be independent???

  • Have we pondered what a great sin it is to be self-sufficient???

  • Have we pondered what a great sin it is to live as if we do not need or want God???

  • Have we pondered who or what do we trust in as our greatest joy???

  • Have we pondered where is the center/focus of our heart’s desire (meaning what are we striving/living for)???

  • Have we pondered that if Christ Jesus is not in heaven, would we still want to go???

Because when we rightly understand the beauty and glory of Christ, and our absolute need for and utter dependence upon the Lord God Almighty, there will be visible fruit. By faith, we will flee to Christ, as we humbly and joyfully cling to and abide in Him. By faith, we know that we need Him (all that He is, His righteousness, His atoning death, His sovereign rule, His mediatorial work, His priestly work, His prophetic work, etc.), and that He is our exceedingly great Reward. And then, by faith, we will spend our lives (all that we are and all that we have) to make much of Him! By faith, we will make much of Him in our worship, in our fellowship with His people, in rightly preaching Christ and the glorious gospel of grace to those around us. Why? Because, by faith, we know and are convinced from Scripture, that He is the only hope for humanity!

May we be consumed with Christ Jesus – all that He is, and all that He has done, is doing, and will do! And may we be terrified of trusting in ourselves, our works, our money, our talents, our stuff, our popularity, etc., because these sins will rob us of our joy in Christ Jesus, and these sins dishonor our God, our Savior and King!

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