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Jamie Gessner

Two of my brothers and nephew came to my graduation!

Hello! Happy New Year everyone! We have entered into a new year and a new decade. The end of 2019 had some big moments; I had tons of work to finish before I graduated, but with the Lord’s strength and some all-nighters I was able to complete my Master’s in Biblical Counseling from the Baptist Theological Seminary in Peru! During that time, I received sad news of the passing of a friend (and my mom’s friend) and supporter and also some tough things were happening here in the ministry. I was not able to be with my family physically for the holidays, but we did get the chance to video-chat while opening presents, and talk with Calvin. :) Life can be fun and joyous but it can certainly be challenging, too. In those times we know that “The joy of the Lord is your strength,” as Nehemiah 8:10 says. Ezra spoke these words to the remnant of Israel who had returned to Judah to rebuild the city and temple. It was quite a task in front of them, and they were receiving threats all around them. Ezra wanted to encourage them to live in joyful obedience through this time of trial. I am praying that the Lord will sustain us as we enter this new year, that He will be our joy through all circumstances of life, and that we will allow Him to continue to transform us to be more like Him. “For this light and momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal” 2 Cor. 4:17-18.

The Christmas season here in Colombia means vacation and usually the kids and teens enjoy coming down to our house. This meant extra work for me since Marissa was in the states visiting family and Heidi had left for furlough (I know how you felt now, Mom; thanks for always letting me have friends over while I was growing up!) It has been tons of fun though as every day a group of kids was here at the house. I was able to share the Christmas story with some of them, share the full gospel with others, and just enjoy time with these little blessings. :) Pray for them as they all start school again next week!

Above left: Eder putting up an animal on the Advent calendar.

Above center: Hanging out and doing Bible study at the house with Angie and Valeryn.

Above right: Max loves when the kids have vacation as well because it means extra playtime! Pictured are Julian and Jader at the house. Please pray for them as recently we have discussed some intense issues about life such as abortion and what it means to protect our eyes from evil.

Below left: These lovable boys are just like any other teenagers, and we had tons of fun! They are wild and can eat pizza like no tomorrow.

Below middle: At the pool with some of the kids.

Below right: Out to eat with Valeryn and her mom, Julia.

A few other prayer requests before I close:

Heidi is on furlough now until May. Please pray for safety in traveling, that her speaking events will go well, and that she gets the added support she needs. Pray for Marissa as she is taking some classes in biblical counseling, and she has several media projects coming up. Please keep Peter in prayer as he seeks the best way to lead our church and for the sermon series he is planning for this year. Finally, pray that people would start stepping up in the church to serve, and that we would continue to grow as part of the body of Christ.

Please send me your prayer requests as well if you would like, and I will be praying. I am thankful for you all!

God bless and as always,


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