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Hudson July Colombia Update

Jesus went through all the towns and villages,... proclaiming the good news of the kingdom... When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. - Matthew 9:35-36


We continue in our study of Matthew on Sundays along with a series on raising children during the Sunday School hour (the last picture). Both studies have brought about many

questions and discussion, for which we are thankful. We pray that the Gospel and solid Biblical teaching permeates the hearts of the people, and that the people receive compassion and then give it in return to those around them.

Below we have many photos that we would like to highlight for you! For those who do not know, we are thrilled (and scared) to announce that we have a little boy on the way! It has been a tough pregnancy with emotions from the past and the uncertainty of it all, but we have learned over the years of God’s kindness and sovereignty in all things, even when life just doesn’t make sense. At this point, we have received a healthy report on mom and baby, therefore, please pray things would stay that way as we anxiously await the arrival of this little one on October 23. We have a big ultrasound appointment coming up on August 15.

While Peter and I were on furlough, we received a phone call from Heidi and Marissa, our teammates, that there was the potential for a new building for the church. The church was

excited and went to see it and the landlord is very nice. With much prayer we decided to say yes, and when we returned early Sunday morning with no sleep, we were in the new building celebrating the church’s 6 year anniversary. Though it is another 7 minutes walking distance, it has been a blessing! We are praying for a kids space on the next floor above, so in the meantime, everyone is together on one floor separated by a curtain for kid’s

time. Please pray also that we could sort out some of the issues from the old building and be able to leave that on good terms with the landlord.

Kids Club is in full swing in the new building, and they love it! Much more room to run around! This past week we made sun dials like in the times of King Hezekiah. :)

Youth group and Young Adults continue to meet in the old building on the third floor, which is run by a different owner. Pray for the spiritual growth of Juan David, Yanier, Pipe, and the other young men pictured.

Thank you all for your prayers! We have seen the Lord answer in so many ways. We also continue on some construction within our house. Please pray for Marissa still and her visa situation. She is currently in Argentina with ABWE missionaries, headed to Chile, and Heidi is teaching in Bogota for several weeks.

For the Kingdom,

Jamie, Peter, baby boy, and Max

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