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James Smith, "The Evening Sacrifice; Or, A Help to Devotion" 1859

Mark Lukens

A good devotional on prayer.

O for a spirit of habitual prayer!


(James Smith, "The Evening Sacrifice; Or, A Help to Devotion" 1859)

"But I call to God, and the LORD saves me. Evening, morning and noon I cry out in distress--and He hears my voice!" Psalm 55:16-17 

The well taught Christian carries everything to God--and in so doing, obtains relief, enjoys peace, and grows in grace.

For all that we need--we should call upon God.  And from all that we fear--we should flee unto God. 

At the close of every day, it is our mercy to call upon the Lord. We must make confession of sin--and obtain pardon.  We must carry to Him our burdens--and obtain relief.  We must tell out before Him our needs--and obtain a supply.

Oh, how precious it is to go to the Lord at the close of each day, and tell Him all that has . . .   vexed us,   grieved us,   cast us down, or   disquieted our spirits! 

And how blessed to go to him each morning, and seek grace to live holily and happily through the day! 

Nor is it less blessed to have a few minutes with God at noon--breaking, as it were, the day in two, and keeping short accounts with God. 

O for a spirit of habitual prayer, that at evening, and at morning, and at noon--we may pray, and cry aloud to God! 

If we were more with the Lord in prayer, we would have . . .   more strength to carry our crosses,   more patience to bear our troubles,   and more comfort amidst life's sorrows. 

Holy Spirit, take up your residence in my heart as a Spirit of prayer, and lead me daily, hourly, yes, very often--to the mercy-seat. Let me find the hours of prayer to be precious seasons. And especially at eventide, when worn and exhausted with the toils and troubles of the day--let me find sweet solace and refreshment in pouring out my soul unto God. 

Precious Lord Jesus, draw our souls to You evening by evening, and lead us into the presence of Your Father, that we may have sweet and hallowed fellowship with God! Let our devotions ascend as sweet incense to God.

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