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Hudson Colombia Update

Peter received his Colombian citizenship!

We finally bought a house! We are looking at how to fix a few things and expand it for more ministry!

2 weeks ago we returned from our ABWE South American conference, and this is our Colombia team minus one family.

On Monday, we had our big women’s conference at the church!


“for this is what the prophet has written: “‘But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for out of you will come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel.’” - Matthew 2:5-6


Peter has recently just started his approximately 2-year plan of covering the book of Matthew! The King is coming! What great news after so many long-awaited years for the people back then! May this still be our joy and hope as we look forward to Christ’s

return one day.

The church is growing, praise God! We are seeing old people come back and some new people come along. An usher ministry has also started, as there are now some young men willing to be trained and begin serving in different capacities in the church. Though it may

take years, this is an encouragement, as we have also faced some difficulties with the men who were already trained to be helping more with preaching and shepherding the flock but cannot do so at this time. We covet your prayers as we need more laborers, especially

men, to help lead the church.

Kid’s Club and Youth Group are still going strong, and we pray for more of those within the church to step up and help in these areas as well. Several of the kids just took another field trip because they had memorized their Bible verses and picked up trash. I was proud when the police even saw us one day picking up trash and asked the kids what they were doing, and the kids said all their verses to them. The police then gave them fruits and money to buy

some drinks and snacks! What a blessing that was and a neat opportunity for the children to practice their evangelism. :)

We are looking at taking the youth on their first outing outside of the city to a small camp area for 3 days. Many of them are excited for this, as it is hard with finances and resources due to the area in which we live. We are praying this will be a great time to learn more about God and nature and have fun, as so many of us have had the joy of going to camps in our lifetime. Some of them do not have all the money that is required to go; therefore, we need your help! If anyone feels led to help a youth out, half of what they need is only $10! Please email us at or Thank you so much!

Additional prayer requests:

  • Marissa was officially denied another visa and can only stay within the country now for 6 months. This is a hard hit to the team. Please pray for her as she currently seeks other ministry opportunities in South America and for us as we need to reorganize things and pray earnestly for the next steps.

  • Peter and I are dealing with some adversities in ministry, and personally, and your prayers are appreciated as we seek God’s wisdom and comfort.

We love you all. Thank you so much. To Him be the glory.

For His Kingdom,

Jamie, Peter, & Max

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