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March Newsletter

Writer's picture: Jamie HudsonJamie Hudson

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile. Romans 1:16


(Church’s first baptisms: R- Elzo, M-family, L- Luis)


Since the holidays, things have gotten back to somewhat being normal. I say somewhat because you never know who will stop by or someone calls to ask for help as they move. We also had Marissa’s new pastor, Rob Kensinger, and his family come, as well as a visit from Peter’s brother! We enjoyed the visits and had tons of fun. Concerning Bible study/discipleship with our kids and youth, it always takes a while because here the school system is different and some study only in the morning and the others study only in the afternoon. I (Jamie) even have two kids that come for discipleship between the hours of 8-10pm on Tuesday evenings depending on when they finish their homework, but they are always eager and ready to read and then play!

Peter has started his sermon series through Romans, and we pray that even as it challenges both of us, that the gospel readily impresses upon the hearts of our people and strengthens them all the more and brings those that don’t know Christ to a saving knowledge of Him. Also, Mauricio, our national co-worker, is teaching a financial class Sunday mornings before service.

We also just yesterday were able to share in the church’s first baptisms! Praise the good Lord! A new Venezuelan family has been coming around and Elzomarth (15 years) and his uncle, Luis (27), were baptized! Please pray as Sebastian (17) whom Peter disciples, also expressed his desire and went through the baptism class, but sadly, his mother who claims that the family is Catholic (even though they aren’t practicing), wouldn’t allow it. Please pray for a softening of her heart, and that if and when we can do baptisms again, Sebas will be able to (or when he turns 18).

Youth group, kids club, and kids SS have been going well. Several other youths are starting to show up and integrate themselves a little bit more, and are excited to learn about the God of the Bible. Please continue to pray for Camilo and Pipe (brothers), Sebas, Elzomarth and Jenni (brother and sister), Kevin, Yair and Yanier (brothers), and Angie.

Thank you again for all your prayers and support over this last year for the Esperanza Viva Church and the Medellin team!


  • First baptisms for the church!

  • A few new people attending church

  • For new youth studying God’s Word and attending church and youth group

  • A whole new group of kids has started attending kids club

  • For a fun Colombian team retreat in Santa Marta (ABWE Colombia missionaries-Marissa, Heidi and us in Medellin, the Mees, Robles and Wheelers in Bogotá, and the Boyds in Santa Marta)

  • Andres, whom Peter has worked with for years now, was finally able to get a job with Peter’s help

Prayer Requests

  • For Monica and Nestor, a couple with whom Peter and I have started to do pre-marital counseling (fun to be on the other side of things and learn again)

  • For the new people that have been coming to church

  • For open hearts and understanding of God’s Word

  • Still trying to purchase the house and the owners are now trying to raise the price :(

  • For continued discipleships with Sebas, Nestor, Emmanuel, Yair and Yainer, Angie, Eider and Brayon (new ones), Vivi and Mari at the ice cream shop, Miriam, Jenni, Juan Pablo and many others :)

  • After tons of prayer, 2.5 months ago one of the requirements to fill out some government paperwork was the COVID vaccine; however, I (Jamie) had a severe neurological reaction. Please pray as I am still dealing with numbness, tingling, and pain, that I could get an exemption for the second shot (Peter hasn’t gotten the second one yet either), and that we would trust the Lord in this all.

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