Hello! I hope everyone is doing well! It has been a busy time here in Colombia, but I am continuing my study of reading through the Bible; I’m always learning. Lately, I’ve just been hearing the word “obey.” It is a small word that holds much power. We all are tempted and we all sin, however, God’s encouragement to us is to obey so that we can reap the benefits (Jer. 7:23.) We also will know God better by obeying Him and loving Him! Part of obedience means following God’s call, so we continue to strive for that here with discipleships, the church plant, counseling, and so much more. It is not always an easy ride, but it is a joy to be a part of it all! We stepped out in obedience June 17, 2018, to start a church plant in Robledo, so we are excited to celebrate next month our one-year anniversary and God’s faithfulness. So much has happened in our little building, (even with renting the 3rd floor for more space) and we look forward to the future.
Starting on the left with pictures, Juan David and Natalie are doing very well. JuanDa has improved his reading (since Heidi gave him colored glasses from the States to help him see better) and Natalia, who just turned 8 on Thursday, has not missed a single kids club and often cries in Sunday worship because she says she knows Jesus loves her and she loves Him. The next pictures show the beauty and craziness of kids club and youth club. Many of the kids have never heard the Bible stories before, don’t understand what it’s like to be in an “organized” group or how to follow rules, and are trying to grasp who God is. We have seen improvement over the months and have had a blast teaching them, singing songs, and playing games. Several of them have even started reading the Bible on their own!!! Peter continues to lead youth group and the two most faithful ones, Sebastian and Miguel, have grown but are challenged with certain topics. Keep everyone in prayer!
Below are many of my Thursday studies starting with Julian and Jader who are trying kiwi for the first time. They loved it! Jader is especially comical and tries so hard to piece things together but sometimes just doesn’t get it and a review is needed. :) Last week when learning about Christ’s return, he forgot it was Jesus and thought it was an angel and called the event the “Second Passover.” Please pray for these boys as they are almost finished with the Story of Hope and have had many questions, but it has been a rough time in their house with several difficult situations.
Next is my girl, Angie, Miguel’s younger sister. She also asks many questions in our discipleship time and finally understands what it means to be saved. She has not made a decision yet, so keep praying that God would touch her heart, and she will want to follow Him!
Pictured below, my younger brother, Kleen, came for a visit to help paint and organize the third floor of the church. He got to meet many of the kids and attend church. He is pictured with my two new discipleship boys, Eder and Moises, (not pictured is their sister, Ximena.) The next picture includes Kleen’s girlfriend, our other two brothers and a nephew, Angel. So many prayers are needed for my new discipleship family and my Bogota family. Last but not least is my wonderful, baby nephew, Calvin. His little wiggly body is growing, but his hair out beats it all!
Max is also doing well as he roams around Robledo and Calasanz (the neighborhood where we girls live). I started classes again for the year for my Master’s in Biblical Counseling. The first two classes were tough, but I survived and learned a lot. The class I am currently starting is called “The Theology of Suffering”. The final news is that a group from Marissa’s church in Idaho is coming in 3 weeks to help us run an English outreach camp and a VBS so be praying for that and how God will use that time. I send my love to everyone and am grateful for your partnership in the Gospel!
Thank YOU for your prayers! God bless you all and as always, FOR THE KINGDOM!!! Jamie :)